Multi-Bitrate Streaming Using the Livebox Playout and Encoder

To conduct Multi-bitrate streaming using the LiveboxPlayout and Encoder software,
Create your channel in the Livebox streaming server.
Go to Manage Channels from the navigation menu. Under manage channels, select Multi-bitrate.
Multi-Bitrate streaming
In Multi-bitrate page, select your channel and Turn On multi-bitrate.
channel for multi-bitrate streaming
Once you turn on Multi-bitrate, the preset options will appear. You can set the required resolution and click Save.
Note: You also have an option to edit or set your required preset.
preset for multi-bitrate streaming
Once you click save, RTMP URLs for your resolution gets listed below. Make a note of the required RTMP links and click Save.
With each URL of definite qualities (resolutions), the player will adjust video quality to that of viewers bandwidth.
The first given URL is the RTMP URL of your channel. The remaining URLs are RTMP URLs with resolutions.
Note: The RTMP URL should be used to initiate the live streaming on your server channel. And the other RTMP URLs of resolutions can be used to deliver the same streaming content in different resolutions.

multi-bitrate resolutions
After clicking save, give Service Restart to get your changes applied.
service restart
Now access your Mixer and Playout software.
Note: Make sure to open the Playout/Mixer window first and then open the Encoder window.
Mixer and playout software
In the Livebox Playout software, click Add File to browse video source from your PC and to add video source in your Schedule Playlist.  (You also have the option to add your camera source and YouTube URLs through the Playout software)
adding source in playout software
Your video source is added. So, now click Play to play your video in Playout Preview.
playing source in playout software
You can preview your source and also enable and adjust the audio of your video source.
preview in the playout software
Now on the Livbox Encoder, go to the Advanced Settings.
Livebox Encoder settings
On the Encoder Advanced Settings, click the drop-down menu to set the preset as Multibitrate.
You can enable (select) the Preview option after selecting your video device.
stream settings in Livebox Encoder software
In Video Settings, enable the video option and then select your Device as Streaming Playout Device.
Copy the URLs from the Multi-bitrate settings and enter it in the given URL bars. Then set the bitrate. (Give the bitrate same as the resolution of the RTMP link you have entered in the URL bar)
streaming video settings
In the Audio Settings, enable Audio and select your Audio Device.
streaming audio settings
After setting up all these options, click on the Start button.
start live streaming in playout device
Once the streaming is started, it shows the Streaming Started status below the Start button.
Multi-bitrate streaming successfully started in Livebox playout and encoder device
To view your live MBR streaming status with the definite video quality, go the Livebox Dashboard and check on the player.
Multi-bitrate video resolution
Then go to Viewers Report to check the RTMP stats of your streaming channel. It shows audio and video bitrate of your channel.
Multi bitrate streaming stats
You have successfully done your Multi-Bitrate streaming using LiveboxPlayout and Encoder. Now you can start to stream the resolutions achieved source on your streaming platform/ social media destinations.


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